#NSA #Snowden #PRISM


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Votes Title Site Comments Date
1 Two Senators Say the NSA Is Still Feeding Us False Information vice.com 350 5 hrs ago
2 Sorry, NSA, Terrorists Don't Use Verizon. Or Skype. Or Gmail theatlantic.com 298 3 hrs ago
Name Comment Date
Mike D A useful and helpful comment that others will like! 1 hr ago
Jake L A useful and helpful comment that others will like! 2 hrs ago
Mike D A useful and helpful comment that others will like! 1 hr ago
Jake L A useful and helpful comment that others will like! 2 hrs ago
Mike D A useful and helpful comment that others will like! 1 hr ago
Jake L A useful and helpful comment that others will like! 2 hrs ago


Name Votes
Obama 1400
Snowden 1200
Comment Cloud

Q & A

Title Name Questions Answers Askers Likes/Dislikes
1 Obama 146 0 / 3 300 300-4
2 Snowden 45 0 / 2 289 265-3

Barack Obama

"Something I said goes here."

Askers Question Answers Last Answer
100 What other information do you have? 0 / 2 May 8
85 What the secret beer recipe? 0 / 1 April 29

What other information do you have?

Quidem expedita eaque soluta natus id sit deleniti blanditiis odio iste corporis irure laboris atque cum culpa, maiores aute eligendi officiis. Ullamco ullamco porro ullam similique ut maxime facilis rem accusamus dolor eu facilis corporis hic ut aliquam, lorem quae accusantium consequatur corrupti ex aute porro perspiciatis aliqua illum architecto maxime. Iste fugit accusamus vel amet proident non et qui magna animi officia voluptate, eu rerum quod asperiores at amet beatae eos iste soluta.
Hugh R.

Sacramento , CA USA
3500 XP

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100 people asked this question



John Boehner has not answered yet...


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# Title Signatures Deadline Issues
1 Selma City Council: No More Monuments to KKK Hate! 300,000 August 21, 2013 Crime & Law Enforcement, Public Safety
2 End the War on Drugs 285,000,000 September 7, 2013 Civil Rights & Liberties, Governemnt operations & politics


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Elizabeth Lora ipsem tu ipftr erstr oniy gyuuguygv google+
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